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Bones & Rockets

Site illustrations

Worm in a knot

Bones & Rockets


  • Everything

A place where all illustrations found on this website have been compiled into one overview.

Not all illustrations are equally visible, for example the illustrations on the error pages (hopefully you never visit those pages...).

So, have fun!


Bones & Rockets, twisted madness

B&R logo


For personal madness, t-shirts and more...

B&R Special logo


Solids and a shaded example

illustration of shaded color worm

Different illustrations

Menu open and close icons
A crazy flame
Illustration of two worms
Illustration of a advanced joystick with plain colors
Illustration of a mobile with a webdesign
Illustration of a hand-held megaphone with a worm inside who's shouting the clients branding
illustration of a happy me
Many small illustrations that tell what I like in life
Monsters illustration
Locked worm
A weird knotted worm
Unlocled worm


Illustration of error 401

Page Error 401


Page Error 403


Illustration of error 403
Illustration of error 404

Page Error 404

Page not found

Page Error 405

Method not found

Illustration of error 405
Illustration of error 408

Page Error 408


Page Error 500

Server error

Illustration of error 500
Illustration of error 503

Page Error 503

Service unavailable

A worm with a message
Two worms looking at each other
A three eyed worm
I can't breathe

So, did you find the hidden gem on this website?

If your answer is no, would you like a clue, perhaps?

Yes please

This is super COOL

Yep, I say that about myself but yeah, it's also just cool. A new website, new style just everything new rules!

I'm Peter, and I approve this post 😜

illustration of a happy me
Peter Ninos
Artist @ Bones & Rockets
Big rabit face

My peronal work

Concepts and illustrations

View project

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Let’s bring it to life.


© Bones & Rockets

This Is Way To Small