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Digital patiënt journey

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  • UX design
  • UI Design

Enovation Funatic supplies a user-friendly patient portal and a mobile app in the healthcare institution's corporate identity, which are aimed at supporting the patient and their loved ones in completing the digital patient journey.

The patient logs in in one place with DigiD (TVS) and receives a message in one place about appointment reminders, results, tasks or messages that are ready.

Enovation Funatic calls this innovative system June.

User experience

A patient portal is more than just an option to view the electronic patient file. It is about preparing the patient well for what is to come, providing good guidance before, during and after treatment and thus allowing the patient to be involved throughout the entire care path.

The challenge was to offer a good user experience in the Portal (Browser: desktop, tablet and mobile) and also an app that can be downloaded from the relevant Google and Apple app stores.

UX examples June app
UX examples June Portaal
UX examples presented in a laptop and a phone

Corporate identity

Another challenge was the hospital’s corporate identity. June is built in such a way that a hospital’s corporate identity can be implemented on the existing codebase of the application, in the Portal (browser) and in the App. So the codebase remains the same, but the design reflects the corporate identity of the hospital.

Of course, there are limitations when implementing the corporate identity, but smart choices ensure that the patient gets the feeling that the company website, the portal and the app are one environment.

This was an important starting point, and customers loves this!

A few App examples

Below you can see the different designs for Zuyderland, Maasziekenhuis Pantein and Bernhoven.

Login page

Zuyderland login example
Maasziekenhuis Pantein login example
Bernhoven login example

Dashboard page

Zuyderland dashboard example
Maasziekenhuis Pantein dashboard example
Bernhoven dashboard example

Service & Contact page

Example of a Service and Contact page.

Portal examples

Visual Designs for Zuyderland, Maasziekenhuis Pantein and Bernhoven on desktop and mobile.

UI Pantein examples presented in a laptop and a phone
UI Bernhoven examples presented in a laptop and a phone
UI Zuyderland examples presented in a laptop and a phone
UI examples Pantein Portal
UI examples Bernhoven Portal
UI examples Zuyderland Portal

June icon system

An icon set based on commonly known icons, but with a June twist.

Agenda Icon
Appointment Icon
Recurring appointment Icon
Letters Icon
Health Icon
Results Icon
Questionnaires Icon
Chat Icon
Devices Icon
Checklist search Icon
Show password Icon
Medicine Icon
Measurements Icon
Female Icon
Male Icon
Folder Icon
Location Icon
Information Icon
Send Icon
Virus Icon
Micro organism Icon
Stomach shower Icon
Microscope Icon
Caregiver Icon
Document checked Icon
Hide password Icon
Security Icon
Lock Icon
Bell Icon
Telephone horn Icon
Mobile Icon
Swipe Icon

Special icons

Alcohol consumption Icon
Tobacco use Icon
Drug use Icon
Living situation Icon
Nutritional advice Icon
General error Icon
No data Icon
No chats Icon
No alerts Icon
No appointments Icon

No challenge is too big, the sky is the limit!

Peter knows like no other how to combine the wishes of the customer with the possibilities of the application and the tasks that the end user has in mind.

So he professionally builds the bridge between user, customer and development team.

Ofcourse without losing sight of quality.

Photo of Diantha
Diantha van Marion
Lead Front-end Developer @ Enovation Funatic
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